Watching Monty Don's series on French gardens last night, we ran into this comment from him on the significance of gardens. To him, "garden" is "home". As he sees it the sensory experiences connected with a garden inextricably bind personal memories, childhood and other elements of the past together in the here and now, the present. The garden enables us to take a measure of our lives and its meaning. My husband caught the thoughts and said with excitement in his voice, "That's your novel RANGE OF MOTION in a nutshell." Personally Monty Don's beautiful BBC series on Italian and French gardens brought back wonderful memories of our travels abroad. He shared images of the massively influential French formal garden at Chenonceau in spring. Husband John and I were privileged to catch them in summer. The lovely cloud-like modern perennial placement (shown here) within those hedge-like borders will stay with us always.
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