Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Another windy, cool and rainy day in the neighborhood---while my Petoskey garden is getting slammed with a 'bomb cyclone'.  Urgh.  Our fantasy two weeks in Spain and Portugal which should have been chilly were warm to hot and sunny, day in and out.  So it goes. As I sort through photos of our trip, I keep finding these great flower shots that keep my gardener's heart beating faster. Here are another couple to motivate us all. Camillias were at home in Asia but hardened varieties bloom from Portugal (here the stunning gardens at Sintra) to Long Island.  Morning glories flower on this stunning chandelier in the Pena Palace in Sintra, Portugal. Whether in Mediterranean climes or the howling winter storm along Little Traverse Bay, bringing the garden indoors is one way of extending the growing season.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Winter is on the run in the Southwest. Friends are posting snowy shots of walks in the dunes at Petoskey State Park. Visions of spring in Portugal and Spain are still dancing in my head. The plants were familiar---from a vinca that is taking over the world in Northern Michigan to interesting succulents. Bougainvillea were not blooming as yet. But then a lot was. I am going to share a few.
From left: Golden Chalice vine growing on a pergola was absolutely spectacular;  at center, an interesting bulb-like flower (any ideas what it might be?). Now Bergenia I know---a crop of it blossoms in the Memorial Garden in Bay View every year.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

No, I haven't been lazy...we've been abroad on a wonderful OAT trip to Spain and Portugal. Oddly, what could have been a cool and rainy two weeks turned out warm and sunny (Yes, I packed the wrong kind of clothes). Meanwhile back in AZ, it was colder, believe it or not.  The two countries were amazing places for gardeners to reflect and renew. Shared here is a tribute to the fusion of nature and modern architecture in the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia designed by Santiago Calatrava and Felix Candela. Who says steel and iron need to look cold and uninviting?