Monday, January 21, 2019

The blood moon fizzled thanks to bands of high clouds that obscured the view. The blossoms on the tips of the bougainvillea froze last week all over the community. We find ourselves watching Monty Don on TV and dreaming of our Petoskey garden. Plan is to try strategically placed grasses and lavendar to soften the one problem bed which so badly needs everything tied together. "Cram it in," says Monty. What we are hoping for is that cloud-like effect we saw in some of the formal gardens in France. Another possibility is creating a water feature in the elbow between the patio bed and the one running parallel to the garage. Will let you know how it all turns out. But then planting season is still one heck of a way off. A lot of dreamin' can go on between now and then.

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