Oops. I had a column to write. I wound the warp for and dressed my loom to make placemats for our daughter. I finished a tough edit of my novel and a new version---hopefully the second to last---should arrive by Monday at the latest for reads by my husband and editor in PA. I've been working on the 1000-piece puzzle from hell. And we had two wonderful weeks with our granddaughter on her midwinter break doing one craft project after the other. Time to refocus. So am watching Monty Don's series on gardening in small spaces. And am picking up my neglected blog for the New Year. Funny, because my column for January was about indoor gardening in winter in the Midwest and pot gardening in AZ in the brutal summer heat. Both are about as small as it gets when it comes to gardening. I ran across a couple of neat photos we took some years back of interesting pot gardens to stimulate the imagination. One mixes herbs and perennials. Another is a topiary worthy of Versailles from a museum's garden in WI. The last is from that same garden but mixing a tropical palm and petunias. Hmmm. Bottom line, never say never.

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