A garden in the making thrives on a lot of mud and stubble. Often plants must be cut back to give the roots the best possible start. But a light, slow-soaking rain can minimize such transplant issues.
Fortunately the weather channel is predicting just conditions for the next few days.

Because I am creating a garden again, thanks in part to a generous gift of perennials from a cousin's large Wisconsin garden. 'Rescue' plants from a local home improvement store will take care of some

of the gaps. Then too, all but one or two of the perennials I dug in to temporary spots last fall survived the harsh Michigan winter. Time to move 'em to their 'permanent' homes.
At times the square feet yet to be filled seems daunting. And so I plant and wait, letting the shape of the sunny spot around the patio and new garage inspire me. Right now a chill late-spring rain is falling. Yesterday's plantings eagerly drink in the precious elixir. The future beckons. So does the need for laying down some mulch and stones to keep the mud from splashing up on that pristine gray siding.
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