I'm b-a-a-a-ck. After a two-year hiatus in which my husband and I joint-authored "Bay View: Images of America" for Arcadia Publishers and I slogged away toward completion of my third in the Life in the Garden series of novels, "From the Tender Stem", I am feeling the bizarre urge to blog again.
Life in the interim acquired the urgency of a gardener transplanting astilbe. We sold our home of 20 years in NY and moved to Tempe, AZ. We put our Bay View cottage on the market and moved to a restored house overlooking the Bear River nature preserve in downtown Petoskey. We helped a daughter move and then my 97-year-old mother. Dig in and cut back the distractions. Water and fertilize. Then wait for life to stabilize again.

The plus in all that was finishing the Images of America book on time. "From the Tender Stem" should be available by year-end. Less dramatic but very exciting, our new Petoskey location actually has enough sun to perennial garden again. New beginnings are never easy. While waiting for approval on the landscape design, I have begun wildly digging-in donated plants from any and all sources. An unusually cold summer has left plant sellers clearing out stock at bargain basement prices and dumping "distressed plants" left and right.
All that means another "move" next summer, this time for the new plant companions biding their time in the flower bed next to the house. And on we grow.