Saturday, February 19, 2011


A READER WRITES: I am moving into a home along the Grand River. I recently became aware of 'native plants' and was quite taken by the natural benefits and variety of plants and shrubs. I wish to plant 'native plants' around my home and along my deck-line next to the water. Suggestions are welcome.

DEAR READER: I loved your letter. Like many gardeners, I have strayed into the realm of “exotica” over the years. High-maintenance hybrids have a certain appeal. But like you, I have come to appreciate there is something special about setting one’s sights on a go-with-the-flow survival approach to gardening.

According to the state DNR, Michigan boasts around 1,800 native plant species. In recent years, 46 have been lost and 51 are on the endangered list. Another 800 non-native plants have been introduced into our eco-system over the years.

The Michigan Natural Features Inventory—maintained online by MSU Extension and MDNR— is the most comprehensive guide to native plants. Since cultivating a healthy eco-system is one of the goals of native plantings, Michigan State also maintains a handy list online of 26 Michigan species for attracting beneficial insects ( The Michigan Native Plant Producers Association website posts a list of invasive species to avoid.

Native plants were available for purchase through the Emmet County Conservation District as well as Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council last spring In past years, I believe the Boyne Valley Garden Club also offered a native plant sale. Michigan Native Plant Producers Association member greenhouses and nurseries also are among possible sources for native seeds and plant stock.

From your email, I gather your interest lies in “garden” versus an extensive “habitat”. A homeowner doesn’t need a “woods” or acres of sprawling meadows to make these native gardens work. The trick is to think “pocket gardens”. My own home has four very distinct climate zones—a virtual desert on the West and a wetter shade garden on the East. Similarly, your deck-line along the river and garden space close to the house call for very different plant choices.

“Landscaping with Native Plants of Michigan”, by Lynn M. Steiner (Voyageur Press) is an excellent resource for every setting from bogs and shade to full sun. It also recommends varieties that are compatible and have “year-round” appeal.

Some of my personal favorites in my own garden are the Wild Geranium and Lupine, Foxglove, various Coneflowers, Sneezeweed and Woodland Sunflower. Check out the fun illustrations in “Wildflowers of Michigan Coloring Book 2009" at

After killing off more beds than I can describe, what remains are my sturdy native perennials. No pretense here—just beauty and the sense that a plant is exactly where it is meant to be.

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